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科学需要严谨的英文表达1science needs to be rigorous2Science needs preciseness3Science needs a serious attituderigorous的具体解释 读音英#712r#618ɡ#601r#601s,美#712r#。

strict, rigid,preciseness,precise,religious strict 释义adj 严格的绝对的精确的详细的 短语strict conformance 严格一致 strict control 严格控制 严格治理 严格管制 严格把关 Strict Priority。

preciseness n 精确严谨古板 preciseness nprecise的变形 precise pri#39saisadj1 精确的,准确的确切的精密的2 说话清晰的明白的,明确的3 丝毫不差的恰好的,正好的4 严格的细致的5 严谨。

preciseness, pragmatic没有名词性,形容词是pragmatical也可以用这个务实practicalness实践精神, innovative名词innovation,efficient。

读音英 smu#240 #230nd #712stedi 美 smu#240 #601nd #712st#603di平稳 例句1The first part is smooth and steady, which describes the peace and quietness of the night。

建议翻译为Stable 如果你觉得答案是好的,请给一些鼓励,谢谢。

你好如果表示“正确”一词, 完全可以用right如果是书面语,还可以用correctright 多用于口语附exactitude 表示精密 exactness 表示精确 legitimacy 表示合法性 preciseness表示严谨谢谢。


positivenessprogressprecisenesspragmaticalness 既有头韵又有尾韵,对仗工整,四个词都是名词性的,是比较贴切符合英语的表达本人英语专业八级,喜欢就采纳吧。


the thesis introduces the common solutions and skills in translating English commercial contract Moreover, the thesis also introduces the accuracy, preciseness, normativity, translating skill and development in content。

use word are very in due form, preciseness, criterion and sentential configuration very complexIn all for those I feel Business Correspondence is most difficult I think a good Business Correspondence will can。

没有,他不是固执的意思 更多是褒义词或者没有感情色彩的词 unchangeable 英#652n#712t#643e#618nd#658#601bl美#652n#712t#643end#658#601b#601ladj不可改变的 不可。

the unity ofquotfive blessingsquot Signed quotthe book of Zhang Henglu in the winterof Qihaiquot Calligraphy is vigorous and unconstrained, with a dignifiedposture, showing the true spirit of calligraphy Preciseness。



this brought them lasting economic inspiration And education in Germany is known as its preciseness, superior quality and centuriesold history These had made Germany a good choice for studying abroad, as advan。



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