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You will see to it that the cyanide stays out of the aspirin, that the bull doesn#39t jump the fence, or that your client doesn#39t go to the electric chair as a result of your incompetence;下面这段诗里的第12行到第17行Imaginationhere the Power so called from The Prelude, Book 6by William Wordsworth Imaginationhere the Power so called Through sad incompetence of human speech,That awful;如下本文是一篇人物童话,通过一个昏庸无能而又穷奢极欲的皇帝受骗上当的故事,揭露和讽刺了皇帝和大臣们的虚伪愚蠢和自欺欺人的丑行This article is a fairy tale character, but incompetence by an extravagant;1B 首先理解“reluctant”是不情愿的意思,而另一个译为“自发的”,翻译一下句子知道,为了不耽误去开星期天那个讲座,主人公缩短了行程,提前回来了需要不情愿这个意思,而该句又是分词结构,所以选B 2B 爱德华在;competent的反义词是incapable或者incompent1competent表示有能力的恰当的意思2incapable的意思是无能力的,不会的不能的competent的例句1I had always considered myself a strong, competent woman一直以来。


侥幸心理的英语fluke mind1fluke mind 英 flu#720k ma#618nd 美 flu#720k ma#618nd侥幸心理Especially, in the early time of enterprise, there would be lots of fluke mind to esca;简明英汉词典 contain knteinvt包含 容纳Whisky contains a large percentage of alcohol威士忌的酒精含量极高控制, 抑制The little boy couldn#39t contain his urine any longer这个小孩再也忍不住小便了 Google;这个国家有能力击败任何侵略者其反义词是 inability ,incapability,incompetence capacity容量, 生产量, 容量, 智能, 才能, 能力, 接受力, 地位capacity用在制造业和商业上,通常就是指生产和承受能力如transport。


人内心的一切痛苦,都源自于对自己无能的愤怒英语是All the pain in the heart comes from the anger of his incompetence解释pain 英pe#618n 美penn 痛苦 刻苦 令人厌烦的人事物;competence的反义词是incompetenceincompetency competence 英 #39k#594mp#618t#601ns美 #39kɑmp#618t#601nsn 能力,胜任权限作证能力足以过舒适生活的收入 例句The party#39s flatfoo;of ten must be given about every three months 因为此毒素的作用时期是有限的,每三个月必须治疗一次 Because of his incompetence, we lost a lot of business因为他的能力不足,我们失去很多生意;在你的一生中,与你相处打交道时间最长的人是你自己然而,你最不了解的也是你自己当生活处于上升阶段时,你往往会高估自己总觉得想要的东西都触手可得好运气和机遇时常光顾你,组成你财富的一部分,这是你大喜过。

句子是You will see to it that the cyanide stays out of the aspirin, that the bull doesn#39t jump the fence, or that your client doesn#39t go to the electric chair as a result of your incompetence;I don t think that boy has great capabilities 我认为那孩子没有多大潜力The country has the capability to defeat the aggressor 这个国家有能力击败任何侵略者其反义词是 inability ,incapability,incompetence。

人们不会指望外国人能够很熟练的用筷子,但是一旦他们做到了,就会给人留下很深刻的印象因此,在去中国之前,你可以先去一下当地的中国餐馆,就算品尝不到正宗的中国食物,至少你可以试试用筷子在中国第一次尝试中国食物;或 I am incompetent If it hadn#39t been for my incompetence we wouldn#39t have this situation today!前面的 I am incompetent可以省略, 句子已经有“我无能”的含义这个翻译是地道的我是加拿大人,英语母语。



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